04/05/2016 - 04/06/2016
The International Seminar on Database and Information Systems Integration for Public Policy Improvement took place in Brasilia on 5 and 6 of April.
This seminar reunited around 150 experts and representatives of Brazilian and international government teams to discuss the institutional, technological and contextual aspects of the sharing of expertise on databases and data systems between government sectors.
The primary purpose of the seminar was to improve citizens´ access to public policies and the the diagnosis of individual needs, enhancing procedures for better control and quality of public spending. The exchange of ideas were helpful to indicate ways to improve the Unified Registry for Social Programs which is used to identify and characterize low-income families and ensure their inclusion in Brazilian social programs.
The seminar, by invitation only, featured lectures by experts from five countries with successful experiences of integrating and using administrative records and information systems. The event was held by the National Secretariat for Citizenship Income (Senarc), of the Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger (MDS) in partnership with the Brazil Learning Initiative for a World without Poverty (WWP).
The WWP team summarized the panel discussions and published all the presentations on the WWP website. Read them below:
You can also see the explanation of Joana Mostafa, Director of the Unified Registry of Brazil´s Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, about the advantage of having a unified registry to managers of social programs and to beneficiaries. Moreover, Mrs. Mostafa gives hints on how to unify isolated databases of social programs.