A highly vulnerable group in Brazil, family farmers face a number of challenges, such as water shortages and poor access to land, to credit, to inputs and to trade markets. The Fomento Program, from the Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development (MDSA), seeks to tackle these problems with technical assistance and rural extension services (TARE) combined with a R$ 2,400 cash transfer for small farmers projects.

This video – the second in the WWP Case Studies series – shows the Program’s operation in the Sertão do São Francisco Territory, in Bahia. Among the initiative’s outcomings is the work of the Regional Institute for Appropriate Small Farming and Animal Husbandry (IRPAA), which has succeeded in increasing income generation by linking empirical with technical and academic knowledge. Read the full Case Study.

Eduardo Garcês

– Sertão das Almas (Tulio Borges)
– Ser tão sol (Chão brasileiro)
– Adorável trovador (Túlio Borges)
– Somos todos nordestinos (Chão brasileiro)
– A wish called Fonda (Eaters)
– Menino, segura esse bode (Belo Sertão)